National museum of fine arts. Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
Av. del Libertador 1473 Phone: 5288-9900
Web: The National Museum of Fine Arts or MNBA for its acronym, has the greatest artistic heritage of Buenos Aires and Argentina.
The MNBA was inaugurated on December 25, 1896 in the Bon Marché building on Florida Street, today Galerías Pacífico. Although this building functioned as a department store - jewelers and haberdashery - a good part was also destined to other cultural spaces such as the Ateneo, the Colmena, ateliers of artists ( that of the sculptor Víctor de Pol) and libraries.
In 1909 the MNBA left its headquarters of the Bon Marché and moved to the Plaza San Martín. The collection occupied the building of the Argentine Pavilion, built in iron and glass, which had hosted the participation of Argentina in the Universal Exhibition of Paris of 1889.
The National Museum of Fine Arts is composed of more than 12,000 works, an artistic library with more than 150,000 volumes and an auditorium of 320 square meters.
Among the thousands of works owned by the museum include paintings, engravings, drawings, sculptures, tapestries and other objects, exhibiting a total of 700 elements throughout 34 colorful rooms.
The museums permanent collection features works by prominent Argentine painters and sculptors that are interspersed with works by well-known artists such as Picasso, Goya, Monet, Manet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Rubens, Cézanne, El Greco and Rodin.