San Miguel de Azapa Archaeological Museum. Arica - CHILE
Camino Azapa, Arica Phone: +56 202 6403
The San Miguel de Azapa Archaeological Museum wants to maintain and preserve for future generations of general public and researchers this enormous collection found in various places in the extreme north of Chile.
Its history begins in 1957, with the Regional Museum of Arica, which develops its action on the basis of a local archaeological tradition of the early twentieth century, with researchers of the stature of Max Uhle and Junius Bird.
Located a little over 10 kilometers from the Valle de Azapa, it has anthropological vestiges and picturesque natural flora and fauna surroundings. Privileged with favorable climatic conditions, in its outskirts it is possible to find petroglyphs while in the interior there is a chronological sample that ranges from the period of the fishermen and hunters before the period of the mummies of Chinchorro to the Aymara shepherds, which can be photographed with prior authorization from the museum.
The exhibition includes more than 20 thousand pieces that chart the development of the population divided into three sections that include themes about land and sea, men and agricultural and craft production, and the magical and religious world.