Sombrero Hill. Arica - CHILE
Arica The evidences are geoglyphs prehispanic North Desert Grande. Indeed, the slopes denuded of vegetation in the main valleys of the far north, most have this type of rock art. Geoglyphs are in Lluta, Azapa, Shrimp, and the streams Tiliviche, Tarapacá, Guatacondo and Mani, situated over the last four of the Pampa del Tamarugal.
In thevalley Lluta and Azapa Valley preserved and beautiful examples of the rock tradition, with stylistic and technological features themselves. The figures are made with the technique of extraction, addition, or both, however, in these valleys is the most accumulation or the addition of rocks of volcanic origin, dark shades, like tiles, which contrast with the lighter soil, characteristic of the desert hills.
Azapa is located in a large group, standing panels called The herd and Cerro Sagrado, by adding and Cerro Sombrero, prepared by extraction. The herd has a beautiful set of camels that are directed towards the coast, led by two characters with supernatural attributes. Sacred Hill, meanwhile, features two characters with special characteristics also associated with animal figures. Cerro Sombrero, finally, are represented two giant camelids.
Geoglyphs the main sites of this part of the Great North cross-linking points are formed Indians, by which they would have made the flow of goods via caravans of llamas. The art of geoglyphs may have served to mark the routes, in particular, to indicate points of water in an area where this element is very low. This is what seems to occur in the Cerro Sombrero Azapa Valley, where large deposits of guano flame could indicate that for centuries the place could be a convergence point for caravans that moved product of the sea, tropical valleys, highland and jungle, performing shows for sharing them with people of the valley, and ceremonies related to travel, as well geoglyphs were considered sanctuaries. The importance of the place would be subsequently proven by the presence in the vicinity of an administrative center of the Incas, among other functions, should take control of these activities.