Guide of PERU


Population of  PERU

Population of PERU

Perus population according to estimates and projections of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics until June 30, 2014, amounted to 30,814,175 inhabitants with an average density of 24 inhabitants per square km and its annual growth rate is 1, 1% 2 52.6% of the Peruvian population lives on the coast, 38% in the mountains, and 9.4% in the jungle.

The economically active population amounts to 73.57% of the total population, ie 22,668,626 inhabitants. People over 65 accounted for 6.4%. Life expectancy for men is 72 years, while for women it is 77 years. The country has a literacy rate of 87.73%.

Despite its rapid economic growth, Peru continues to have problematic social and labor rates. The infant mortality rate is 17.96%, well above other countries in Latin America. Total rates of poverty and indigence (extreme poverty) are respectively 23.9% and 4.7% .11 12 Peru is a multiethnic, multiracial and multicultural country, the State recognizes seventy two ethno-linguistic groups grouped in sixteen linguistic families.
Economy of  PERU

Economy ofPERU

Perus economy it has traditionally been a reflection of its varied and complicated geography. Until the nineties the economy was based on the exploitation, processing and export of mainly mining, agricultural and fishery resources. Today is the fifth Latin American economy.

After suffering the serious consequences of industrialization policies made in the 50s, 60s and 70. In the late 80s he joined these strong economic crisis, in addition to hyperinflation occurred during the first Aprista government 1985-1990 and the Fujimori government. In the midst of economic stagnation the August 8, 1990, the Fujimori government announced an economic shock called Fujishock: the exchange rate was devalued 227%, inflation peaked at 7694.6%, the price of gasoline shot 3000% increases in staple food by 160% and 300% were declared, instituted in 1991 in addition to the new currency: the Nuevo Sol.

Main destinations in PERU

Localización de  PERU

Location of PERU

Peru is located in the western part of South America. Its territory borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile. It rests with sovereignty over 1285,215 km2 of land and 200 nautical miles from the Pacific Ocean.
History of  PERU

History of PERU

The first settlers arrived in Peru 20,000 years ago. They were basically dedicated to hunting and gathering people. Some of them settled in Paccaicasa (Ayacucho) where found that are probably the oldest evidence of human presence in South America.

Inca empire
The Inca Empire (1200-1532 AD), the largest and most important pre-Columbian South America, state organization spread as far north as the present territory of the Republic of Colombia and as far south as part of the present territories of Argentina and the Republic of Chile, including the integrity of the current territories of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and the Republic of Ecuador.
One of the most important reasons for the rapid development and expansion of the Inca Empire is the extraordinary internal organization was. Its core-familiar and territorially for all residents was the ayllu, a group of peers and family was based on the reciprocity of the provision of work, thanks to which each ayllu was able to develop from everyday tasks to the more complex services required by the Central State (the Inca kinship group received the special designation of panaca).

The arrival of the first Europeans
The meeting of two worlds, the contact between the Inca civilization and European civilization through the Spanish arrival to America began in the sixteenth century. In 1532, the hosts of Francisco Pizarro, a native of Trujillo de Extremadura, captured the Inca Atahualpa in Cajamarca (northern Peru), thus beginning the conquest of the Inca Empire, followed by the war between the Conquistadores, Rebellion of the Encomenderos, and finally settling the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1542, after a confrontation between the conquerors themselves and the Spanish Crown.

Birth of the Republic
Formally, the Republic of Peru is born with the Declaration of Independence by General Jose de San Martin on July 28, 1821.
However, it was not until 1824 that the General Simon Bolivar finally ended with the wars of independence, being sealed Independence of Hispanic America with the last major clash in the Battle of Ayacucho (Peru) on 9 December that same year.
Already in the Republican era in 1860 they are terminated indigenous contribution (payment of a tax levied for the indigenous population) and enslavement of blacks. At the same time the arrival of Chinese and European citizens who come to expand the labor required in Peru after the release of the Afro-Peruvian people occurs.