Guide of Pitumarca, PERU

Pitumarca, City Guide. Peru.  Pitumarca - PERU
Pitumarca, City Guide. Peru.  Pitumarca - PERU

Information about Pitumarca

Pitumarca is located to the South East of Cusco and north of the province of Canchis to which it belongs.

Pitumarca is a small town of around 9500 inhabitants but with first class tourist attractions, which include:
Rainbow Mountain, Vinicunca
Tample of San Miguel
Machu Pitumarca Archaeological Complex

How to get to Pitumarca
By plane: The nearest airport is the airport of Cusco

In Auto: They are around 100 kilometers from the city of El Cusco and the trip lasts approximately 1.5 hrs., It is a difficult road but of great ecenic attraction.

By Bus: In Cusco at the Huayruropata bus terminal, there are 2 companies that offer the Sicuani-Checacupe route, whose final destination is Pitumarca