Calle Baquedano. Iquique. Iquique - CHILE
Calle Baquedano, Iquique The area declared a Typical Zone includes the area of the premises of the buildings facing on both sides of the street Baquedano, between the streets by the North Serrano and Jose Joaquin Perez in the South. Also include the Plaza Prat, the buildings that surround it and other neighboring streets, Baquedano-(see order for further specification).
Iquique is a city whose development was closely linked to the nitrate industry, which starts with the first shipment to Europe saltpeter in the year 1830. The second half of the nineteenth century is a period of great expansion, both in the exploitation of nitrate in the growth of the city. This, despite the fact that there are two earthquakes (in the years 1868 and 1877) and two major fires (between 1880 and 1885), which destroys a large number of blocks from the center. However, it is the latter years of last century and the first two decades of his peak, and they give the impression arquitet?nica Iquique and urban retains to this day.
The fact that this city was far from major urban centers, to maintain contacts with major sea ports (San Francisco, Hamburg, Rotterdam, etc.). And to host a significant proportion of foreigners among the population (especially English and American) were elements that explain the existence of a clear structure of foreign influence. This architecture, which Baquedano Street is an excellent example, was able to cleverly adapt to the climatic conditions prevailing in Iquique. This was achieved primarily through the use of technologies and appropriate architectural and constructive solutions.
The buildings in Baquedano Street, and in general those of traditional architecture iquique?a have a typology that can be divided into three elements: the material used for construction is Oregon pine, the constructive approach is the simple frame or Frame Ballom and its architectural style "American" or any of its derivatives (Georgian, Greek Revival, Adam).
As for the patterns that characterize these buildings, we can mention the building facade in continuous use veranda, the presence of shafts or flashlights, the use of viewpoints and roof air or on the shaded terrace.
Certainly, the street along with the Plaza Baquedano Prat constitute a group with remarkable features of urban and architectural expression. It highlights four historical monuments such as the Clock Tower, the Building Society Employees Tarapac?, Teatro Municipal and the Palacio Astoreca; the first three are located on Plaza Prat, the latest in Baquedano Street. There are also other buildings are of great value as the Yugoslav Club, the former Courts of Justice, and the Spanish Casino.