Detif Church

Detif Church, Guide Chiloe churches.  Chiloe - CHILE
Detif Church, Guide Chiloe churches.  Chiloe - CHILE
Detif Church, Guide Chiloe churches.  Chiloe - CHILE
Detif Church, Guide Chiloe churches.  Chiloe - CHILE

Detif Church. Chiloe - CHILE

Located in the Town of Detif, Puqueldón commune, was declared a National Monument in the category of Historical Monument on 10 August 1999, by Decree No. 222

The vault of the central nave is semicircular, like the arches and wooden pillars have coigue of a piece, in a column.

They draw attention to two small boats made of wood hanging from the roof of the Church. These two votive offerings (offerings), which apparently were donated by sailors.