Villavicencio Nature Reserve. Mendoza - ARGENTINA
km 50, RP52, Las Heras, Mendoza Phone: + 54 0261 4992004
Web: Villavicencio Nature Reserve is a private conservation area, in which is the origin of one of the most famous mineral waters of Argentina.
It is part of the Refuge Program of the Wildlife Foundation of Argentina.
The denomination of Natural Reserve is granted officially in the year 2000 by the Direction of Renewable Natural Resources, dependent organ of the Secretary of Environment of the Government of the Province of Mendoza.
The Villavicencio Nature Reserve has a Management Plan since its inception, and in 2008 it is revised, updated and scheduled for the 2009-2013 period. It has a team of nine people: Responsible, Ranger Corps, Baqueanos and Environmental Educator. Rangers are all Senior Technicians in Nature Conservation and Natural Protected Areas; their tasks are many and varied, environmental control and oversight, biodiversity monitoring, collaboration in scientific research, visitor care and environmental education and interpretation activities.
The Nature Reserve also has advisory and advisory bodies that represent academic sectors of society, among them we can mention the Ministry of Environment of Mendoza, the Wildlife Argentina Foundation and the Scientific and Technological Center (current CCT, former CRICyT) official research organization created through an agreement between the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina (CONICET), the National University of Cuyo and the Government of the Province of Mendoza.