Pisac Market

Pisac Market.  Cusco - PERU
Pisac Market.  Cusco - PERU
Pisac Market.  Cusco - PERU
Pisac Market.  Cusco - PERU
Pisac Market.  Cusco - PERU
Pisac Market.  Cusco - PERU

Pisac Market. Cusco - PERU

Pisac Market is a Sunday market (although it works almost daily) is a meeting place for people in local communities who come to witness a mass in Quechua, socialize and sell or exchange goods.

Pisac, like other towns was a Spanish city where European traditions Incas still standing to this day since the day of its founding in the 16th century eventually merged Pisac has become an important center of craft production and He has become famous for having one of the largest craft markets of Latin America.