Ignacio Domeyko Mineralogical Museum. La Serena - CHILE
Benavente 980 Phone: +56512204096
www.registromuseoschile.cl/663/w3-article-50761.html The Ignacio Domeyko Mineralogical Museum aims to disseminate the scientific and cultural knowledge of minerals through the essential functions of conservation, documentation, research, exhibition, dissemination and cultural extension.
 The Museum as a cultural institution puts the community in contact with nature (mineral kingdom) and instructs the minerals of the exploited fields that are the basis of the countrys economy.
In the academic aspect, the Museum is a major complement to mineralogical and petrographic teaching, as well as for courses in economic geology. It contributes, in this way, in an important way to the training of mining engineers of the University of La Serena.