Villarrica Lake. Villarrica - CHILE
Region de la Araucania Lake Villarrica, located in the Araucania region of Chile, has an area of 176 km. and an elliptical form.
There is only one uninhabited island called Aillaquillén and it has a maximum of 300 meters in diameter. Its island is represented as historical heritage in the coat of arms of the city of Villarrica.
The temperature on the surface reaches a range of 19 to 22 degrees Celsius in summer, which allows practicing various sports. In winter it fluctuates between 9 and 10 C, which facilitates the evacuation and cleaning of its waters. However, in the last winter temperature records have registered between 13 ° and 14 ° C during the months of June, July and August, which is a clear sign of the progressive climate change in the area.