Guide of Osorno, CHILE

Osorno, information from the city of Osorno.  Osorno - CHILE
Osorno, information from the city of Osorno.  Osorno - CHILE
Osorno, information from the city of Osorno.  Osorno - CHILE
Osorno, information from the city of Osorno.  Osorno - CHILE
Osorno, information from the city of Osorno.  Osorno - CHILE

Information about Osorno

Osorno is located 913 km. Santiago and 245 km. San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. The quality of the services it offers, will give a great service to tourists.

Osorno has a population of 128,340 inhabitants The geographic location of the city of Osorno has become a base from which not only provides access to the cities of Puerto Montt and Valdivia, but a wide gamut of tourist attractions within the province.

One of the main economic activities Osorno from tourism is cheese and dairy products produced in the area.

History of Osorno

Osorno was founded in 1553 and abandoned in 1604 after four years of resisting the Mapuche people, who had dominated the entire area south of the Bío Bío. In 1792, after signing peace with the Mapuche, who found the remains of the city was refounded.

Rahue is next to the River, for its location linking the Coastal Range to the plains of the east. Several houses in the city realize the important presence of Germans in the area.

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