Metropolitan Cathedral of Florianopolis. Florianopolis - BRAZIL
R. Padre Miguelinho, 55 - Centro Phone: +55 48 3224-3357
Web: The Metropolitan Cathedral of Florianopolis is the most important church in Florianopolis, it is in the center of the city and it was built in 1712. It is also known as Catedral Nossa Senhora de Desterro.
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Florianopolis was completed in 1773, 20 years after its construction began by Brigadier Jose da Silva Paes. In first governor of the Santa Catarina captaincy, Paes was also a military engineer and designed the forts that made up the defense system of the island.
The cathedral was built on the site of the small church of Our Lady of Exile, built by the founder of the town, the pioneer Francisco Dias Velho, killed inside the chapel by English pirates in 1687