Regional Museum of Ancud. Ancud - CHILE
Libertad 370, Ancud Phone: +56 652622413
Web: The Regional Museum of Ancud was inaugurated on June 14, 1976 in the Tourist, Cultural and Artisanal Center, CHILOTUR, created by the CORFO Institute of Chiloé with the purpose of spreading the patrimony of the archipelago.
The collection that the Museum housed in its beginnings was made up of objects that Father Audelio Bórquez had gathered together with his students from the Ancud Conciliar Seminary College, which he had donated to the CORFO Institute for the creation of the museum. Both the collection and the dependencies of the CHILOTUR were transferred in loan to the Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums of Chile (DIBAM) in the same year.
Archaeological: It is the collection with the largest number of pieces that the museum houses, highlighting lithic instruments belonging to groups of hunter-gatherers, farmers and canoeists of the archipelago, especially material from the Quilo Bridge archaeological site (commune of Ancud).
In addition, this collection protects testimonies of prehispanic ceramics.
Basketry of Chiloé: Contains objects of recent invoice that reproduce the old styles and forms traditionally used in domestic and field tasks (collect seafood, seaweed, potatoes and apples, winnow wheat and make chicha, etc.), as well as ornamental objects made in different places of the archipelago from the 60s of the XX century, from the "luxuries" or "fantasies" of the Marilican Lindsay family of Llanco (Ancud), to the bread boxes, individual and mythological beings of the Mansilla Miranda family of Llingua (Quinchao)
The majority of the pieces have been woven with vegetal fibers (manila, jonquil, quilineja and boqui); However, given the appropriations made by the artisans, those made with nylon strings abandoned by the aquaculture industry in the coastal area have also been incorporated.
Textiles de Chiloé: This collection contains everything from raw materials (skeins or "yarns" and tangles) and textiles (blankets, shawls, rugs, ponchos, mantillas, scarves, scarves and sashes), to instruments used in the preparation process of the raw material (scissors used for shearing, spindles, torteras, distaff and blade) as those that make up the kelwgo (parampawe, ñerewe, beams, pitchforks and tighteners).