Hassan II Mosque. Casablanca - Morocco
The Hassan II Mosque is located in the city of Casablanca on the Boulevard Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah and is the tallest temple in the world with a height of 200 to 210 m.
It was designed by French architect Michel Pinseau, and construction work started on July 12, 1985, and was inaugurated on August 30, 1993. Some 2,500 people and 10,000 Moroccan craftsmen worked on the construction, using marble, granite, wood, mosaics, floors, columns, etc. The approximate cost of the mosque was about 5494 million dirham (about 504.85 million euros). The height of the minaret is 172 meters.
The prayer room can hold 25,000 faithful with a total area of 20,000 m2. And the esplanade 80 000 faithful (the complete set can accommodate 105 000 people).