Municipal Market of Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo - BRAZIL
R. Cantareira, 306 - Centro Historico de Sao Paulo Phone: +55 11 3326-6664
Web: The São Paulo market has a gastronomic space, which offers the opportunity to taste tasty dishes ranging from the simplest to gourmet recipes, all there, while appreciating the architectural beauty of Mercadão.
The Municipal Market of São Paulo was inaugurated on January 25, 1933, and is an important wholesale commercial establishment, specialized in the commercialization of fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat, condiments and other food products.
The building, which occupies an area of 12,600 square meters of built area on the banks of the Tamanduateí River, houses more than 1,500 employees who, together, move about 350 tons of food a day in its more than 290 boxes.