West Bay Beach

West Bay is located 10 minutes from the neighboring community of West End, in Roatan Honduras..  Roatan - Honduras
West Bay is located 10 minutes from the neighboring community of West End, in Roatan Honduras..  Roatan - Honduras
West Bay is located 10 minutes from the neighboring community of West End, in Roatan Honduras..  Roatan - Honduras

You can know West Bay Beach in the following excursions

. , Honduras

West Bay is located 10 minutes from the neighboring community of West End, in Roatan Honduras.
from US$ 0
. , Honduras

West Bay is located 10 minutes from the neighboring community of West End, in Roatan Honduras.
from US$ 0

West Bay Beach. Roatan - Honduras

Direccion: West Bay, Honduras

West Bay is 10 minutes from the neighboring community of West End, either by road, or by sea in a water taxi known locally as a "Water Taxi".
This stretch of sand is about 1 km long and is home to more than a dozen hotels, several diving centers, bars and restaurants of all kinds, with specialties in seafood, meat, as well as sandwiches and tapas to eat with. fingers, ideal to enjoy on the beach.

Surrounded by the second largest barrier reef in the world and a favorite place for divers due to its crystal clear waters with easy access to more than 120 dive sites. Roatan's West Bay Beach has been recognized by FORBES magazine as one of the best beaches in the Caribbean for 2020 and one of the best vacation spots in the world.

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