Los Cardones National Park

Los Cardones National Park, National Parks, Argentina, Salta.  Payogasta - ARGENTINA
Los Cardones National Park, National Parks, Argentina, Salta.  Payogasta - ARGENTINA
Los Cardones National Park, National Parks, Argentina, Salta.  Payogasta - ARGENTINA
Los Cardones National Park, National Parks, Argentina, Salta.  Payogasta - ARGENTINA
Los Cardones National Park, National Parks, Argentina, Salta.  Payogasta - ARGENTINA
Los Cardones National Park, National Parks, Argentina, Salta.  Payogasta - ARGENTINA
Los Cardones National Park, National Parks, Argentina, Salta.  Payogasta - ARGENTINA

Los Cardones National Park. Payogasta - ARGENTINA

Direccion: RN40, Payogasta, Salta, Argentina
Phone: +54 3868 49-6005
Web: www.parquesnacionales.gob.ar

Los Cardones National Park is located in the department of Cachi, west center of the province of Salta. It covers an area of ??64,117 hectares that house environments of the High Andes, Puna, Monte de Sierras and Bolsones and Yungas ecoregions.

Most of the area has a clearly arid climate: dry and warm with average temperatures of 11?C in winter (with minimums slightly below 0?C) and 18?C in summer (with maximum temperatures of 30?C).

Flora and Fauna
Flora: This National Park conserves a dense sample of card?n or pasacana (Trichocereus pasacana), also cacti of the species Echinopsis atacamensis.

Fauna: The fauna includes some rare or threatened species, such as the pajonal cat (Leopardus colocolo) or the red foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus) and gray (Lycalopex gymnocercus).
In addition to guanacos, chinchillones, armadillos

How to get to Los Cardones National Park
By car: From the city of Salta, by national routes 68 and provincial 33 (97 km to Piedra del Molino -entrada east of the park- and 147 to Payogasta, its administrative headquarters).