National Museum of Fine Arts

National Museum of Fine Arts, Santiago, Guia de Santiago de Chile, Hotels in Santiago.  Santiago - CHILE
National Museum of Fine Arts, Santiago, Guia de Santiago de Chile, Hotels in Santiago.  Santiago - CHILE

National Museum of Fine Arts. Santiago - CHILE

Direccion: José Miguel de La Barra 650
Phone: +56 2499 1600

The current building, the Palacio de Bellas Artes, dates from 1910 when, through its inauguration, the first centenary of the Independence of Chile was commemorated. It was designed by the Chilean-French architect Emile Jecquier and is located in the Forest Park of the commune of Santiago de Chile. At his back, the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of Chile is located at the place where the old School of Fine Arts was located.

In 1974, after signing an agreement with the Organization of American States and Unesco, the National Museum of Fine Arts established a restoration laboratory for the conservation of works of art. That same year the administrative offices are enabled in the underground of the building.

On December 30, 1976, the National Museum of Fine Arts is declared a National Monument. Then, in 1977, the specialized library that owns the museum is opened to the public. This library was started during the administration of Julio Ortiz de Zárate (1939-1946), with the exchange of publications made with other museums around the world.