Church Saint Ines

Church Saint Ines, Guide of the Serena.  La Serena - CHILE
Church Saint Ines, Guide of the Serena.  La Serena - CHILE
Church Saint Ines, Guide of the Serena.  La Serena - CHILE
Church Saint Ines, Guide of the Serena.  La Serena - CHILE

Church Saint Ines. La Serena - CHILE

Direccion: Almagro 280, La Serena

It is one of the four chapels built by the first inhabitants of the city, so it is one of the oldest churches. According to local tradition, it was built on a hermitage established by the first Spaniards in the 16th century.

It was built as a peripheral structure and intended for small religious acts, it was remodeled and repaired several times and its last redesign was made in 1870, when the side bell was replaced by a central one, which still remains. Since the earthquake of 1975 it stopped being used as a religious temple.

It was declared a National Monument in 1977. It is currently a Center for the Interpretation of Religious Heritage.