Nevado Tres Cruces National Park

Nevado Tres Cruces National Park, Copiapo Hotels Guide, Guide to National Parks in Chile.  Copiapo - CHILE
Nevado Tres Cruces National Park, Copiapo Hotels Guide, Guide to National Parks in Chile.  Copiapo - CHILE
Nevado Tres Cruces National Park, Copiapo Hotels Guide, Guide to National Parks in Chile.  Copiapo - CHILE
Nevado Tres Cruces National Park, Copiapo Hotels Guide, Guide to National Parks in Chile.  Copiapo - CHILE
Nevado Tres Cruces National Park, Copiapo Hotels Guide, Guide to National Parks in Chile.  Copiapo - CHILE

Nevado Tres Cruces National Park. Copiapo - CHILE

Direccion: III Region de Atacama

The National Park is located in the province of Copiapo and Tierra Amarilla, and has an area of 59,081 hectares divided into two sectors. The No. 1 sector comprises the southern end of Salar de Maricunga, Laguna Santa Rosa and the Lamas River course and has an area of 46,944.50 hectares. The sector includes No. 2 Black Lagoon Francisco and Astaburuaga River mouth, with an area of 12,136.50 hectares.

Access Routes

The approximate distance in a straight line to the city of Copiapo is 150 km. And is accessed via Park Way International, which runs from Copiapo Paipote the ravine to the door and from there to Santa Rosa Portezuelo, thus coming to Laguna Santa Rosa sector. To reach the Black Lagoon Francisco follow the same route, but continues until the extreme southwest of the Salar de Maricunga following the path that goes through the valley width, towards the gorge, and hereby Astaburuaga into Black Francis.

Tourist Information

Management area: It is located in the Black Lagoon Francisco.
hiking trails:

Environmental Interpretation Path:

In the southwestern shore of the Black Lagoon Francisco, allows visitors to observe and recognize the sector aquatic birds and vegetation there is bofedal. You can go by foot or vehicle.

Environmental Interpretation Trail River La Gallina:

Enables the observation and recognition of terrestrial fauna and flora cordilleranas broken shrub height. You can get into the car to the station of departure.

Environmental interpretation trail Quebrada Santa Rosa:
Visitors can observe and chululos vizcachas colonies as well as several species of Andean birds. As vegetation is a representative sample of a watery mountain. You can get by car to the first station.

In Black Lagoon Francisco
Santa Rosa in Laguna and Maricunga Salt

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