San Sebasti?an de Panguipulli Church

San Sebastian de Panguipulli Church. Guide of Attractions of Panguipulli, Chile.  Panguipulli - CHILE
San Sebastian de Panguipulli Church. Guide of Attractions of Panguipulli, Chile.  Panguipulli - CHILE

San Sebasti?an de Panguipulli Church. Panguipulli - CHILE

Direccion: Capuchinos 23, Panguipulli
Phone: +56 63-2311363

The San Sebastian Church was built in 1947, inspired by Swiss models. It began as a mission in 1903 by Bucardo Maria de Rottingen, First Apostolic Prefect of Araucania.

The church is in front of the main square and is completely restored, since its construction and the altar is made of wood