Alegre Hill in Valparaiso

Cerro Alegre, Valparaiso, Tour, guide, information, how to get there.  Valparaiso - CHILE
Cerro Alegre, Valparaiso, Tour, guide, information, how to get there.  Valparaiso - CHILE
Cerro Alegre, Valparaiso, Tour, guide, information, how to get there.  Valparaiso - CHILE
Cerro Alegre, Valparaiso, Tour, guide, information, how to get there.  Valparaiso - CHILE

You can know Alegre Hill in Valparaiso in the following excursions


Valparaiso And Vina Del Mar Tour

We ll start the tour from Santiago straight to the pacific ocean in a 120 kms trip, from your hotel.
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Alegre Hill in Valparaiso. Valparaiso - CHILE

Direccion: Valparaiso

The process of occupation of the hills in Valparaiso was once saturated the available space on the plan. The first manifestation of this organizational growth can be located in the early nineteenth century. In the second decade, the English merchant William Bateman, purchased a site on Cerro Alegre, where he built a lonely house, whose pioneering attitude found among his fellow fast echo that, attracted by the installation of the Republic had been based in the port dedicated to import and export activities.

This group, socially and economically well-defined, was established in the Cerro Alegre, creating a residential neighborhood made up of a housing construction higher than usual at the time. On this architecture, new comfortable, it added a provision profuse gardens which helped to accentuate the picturesque aspect of this first group housing. The lively colors of both architecture and nature, they found the name Cerro Alegre since it identifies.

This area, which computer is the hub Montealegre street, these characteristics remained throughout the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, the earthquake of 1906, there was a change in the architecture of the hill.

Most of the houses damaged by the quake, were replaced by large single-family homes that were more homogenous industry. The unit of expression is preserved until today, although only the outside, because inside many homes have been subdivided. Escapes this fate Baburizza Palace.

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