
Yal, Guia de Fauna. RutaChile.   - COLOMBIA
Yal, Guia de Fauna. RutaChile.   - COLOMBIA

Yal, Guia de Fauna. RutaChile

Familia: Thraupidae
Genero: Phrygilus
Nombre Cientifico: fruticeti

Local Names: Yal, dial, rare black.

Habitat: Preferably on hillsides covered with bushes or dense bushes. Also in valleys and plains.

Length: 18 - 19 cms.
Male: head, mantle, back and flanks dark gray slate. Throat and chest almost black. Abdominal light gray to white. Black wings slated with two small white bands. Yellow beak Paws dark yellow. Brown eyes.

Female: brown head, back neck and mantle with dark stripes. Throat and whitish chest with brown longitudinal stripes. Dark primary and secondary lined with coffee. Dark brown bill and legs.

The Yal is well spread throughout the territory, from Arica to Tierra del Fuego. In the northern area due to the scarcity of water, you must stay in the few places with existing vegetation such as the oases and ravines of the pre-cordillera up to about 4,000 meters of altitude. Towards the central and southern zone, it usually prefers to live and nest the slopes and gorges dense with bushes and shrubs of the pre-cordillera, above 1,000 meters. However, during the winter it tends to descend to the valleys and plains and even reaches the coastal area.

It is a very sociable bird, which usually flocks in almost all the year and nest several couples at the same time in the same territory. The nest of loose construction, is lined with soft vegetables and the clutch usually consists of 3, but sometimes 2 eggs, with a pale blue-green background and a large number of pints. Dimensions of 25 mm. x 17 mm. app

The immature male is similar to the female, predominating the brownish tone.

Countries where lives Yal