Guide of Bruselas, BELGIUM

Brussels guide in Belgium. Everything you need to know before your trip.  Bruselas - BELGIUM
Brussels guide in Belgium. Everything you need to know before your trip.  Bruselas - BELGIUM
Brussels guide in Belgium. Everything you need to know before your trip.  Bruselas - BELGIUM
Brussels guide in Belgium. Everything you need to know before your trip.  Bruselas - BELGIUM
Brussels guide in Belgium. Everything you need to know before your trip.  Bruselas - BELGIUM
Brussels guide in Belgium. Everything you need to know before your trip.  Bruselas - BELGIUM

Information about Bruselas

Brussels is the capital of Belgium, and the main administrative headquarters of the European Union (EU).
As capital of the State, Brussels is the seat of government and Parliament. It also houses Laeken Castle, the residence of His Majesty King Philip of Belgium and the Belgian royal family.

Climate in Brussels:
From a meteorological point of view, Brussels would be said to have a mild maritime climate. Simply put, this translates into relatively mild winters with some periods of intense cold, mild and pleasant summers and significant rainfall throughout the year. Temperatures range from 3 ° C on average in winter to maximums of 23 ° C in summer.