Guide of Natal, BRAZIL

Natal - Brazil. Guide and information of the city of Natal.  Natal - BRAZIL
Natal - Brazil. Guide and information of the city of Natal.  Natal - BRAZIL
Natal - Brazil. Guide and information of the city of Natal.  Natal - BRAZIL
Natal - Brazil. Guide and information of the city of Natal.  Natal - BRAZIL
Natal - Brazil. Guide and information of the city of Natal.  Natal - BRAZIL

Information about Natal

Natal is the capital of the Rio Grande do Norte state, northeast of Brazil.
Renowned for its natural beauty of its beaches and its infrastructure. Natal in Spanish is Christmas because it was founded on December 25, 1599 by the Portuguese.

Natal is considered by the IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research of Brazil), as the least violent capital of the country.
Other tourist attractions of Natal is the Maior Cajueiro Maior do Mundo, as demonstrated by the Guinness Book; the Morro do Careca is a great dune; Newton Navarro Bridge is one of the largest bridges in Brazil, in addition to "Parrachos" of Maracajaú and Pirangi and where the sea is the most crystalline and suitable for diving.