Guide of Recife, BRAZIL

Recife, Brazil. Travel Guide. what to do, what to see, tour, transfer and more.  Recife - BRAZIL
Recife, Brazil. Travel Guide. what to do, what to see, tour, transfer and more.  Recife - BRAZIL
Recife, Brazil. Travel Guide. what to do, what to see, tour, transfer and more.  Recife - BRAZIL
Recife, Brazil. Travel Guide. what to do, what to see, tour, transfer and more.  Recife - BRAZIL
Recife, Brazil. Travel Guide. what to do, what to see, tour, transfer and more.  Recife - BRAZIL

Information about Recife

The city of Recife is made up of three islands: Recife, Santo Antônio, and Boa Vista, between which the Beberibe and Capibaribe rivers run.
Recife is a recognized cultural, leisure and services center in northeastern Brazil. It is also the main theater, gastronomic and medical center of the region.

Nicknamed "the Brazilian Venice", this municipality is cut by rivers and bridges, forming islands such as Santo Antônio, São José and Bairro do Recife. Recife Antigo is one of the destinations most sought after by tourists for owning beautiful buildings, which make it practically an open-air museum. A good way to get to know the city is through catamaran rides on the Capibaribe River, in which guides tell their stories and curiosities.